Creation of Sudokus
Creation of a normal Sudoku
Place number 1 by random. But only one 1 in a row and only one 1 in a column.
Place another number by pattern as shows.
Since the pattern are too recognizable swift some numbers.
Now you got the solution to a normal Sudoku.
Remarks: generators to Sudokus as above you find on the Internet.
Sudoku with letters
In a dictionary look for a word with 9 letters. Every letter should occour only one time.
Pick any row or column. In this example marked grey. Change a number to a letter.
Now you got a solution to a Sudoku with letters, containing a 9 letter word.
Creation of a 16 x 16 Sudoku
Use 16 different letters. Do as above.
Animated Links in Youtube
Creation of a 3x3 Sudoku with a 17 letter word
In a dictionary, look up a 17 letter word.
The word must have only nine different letters
And same letter not repeated two times next to each other.
In my case
look fine
Start insertion top left corner
However nex S will not be allowed in same row. So you have to continue word insertion vertically.
Triyng to go horisontally again. But the letter I donīt work, as you can see. You have to go vertically one more step.
Change letters to digits
Open the program
Test solving
Yes, it worked
Back to letters again.
This is made in Excel. Check sum 45 horizontally and vertically just to make sure.
Change back to letters again.
Then erase some letters to create a task somebody may solve